Welcome To Mirror Arts

We are a registered community-based organization based in Dandora, Nairobi, Kenya. We are a performing arts ensemble, and we use our talents to create a safe community for LBQ and GNC artists to express themselves authentically.

About Us

Mirror Arts was born out of a desire to increase representation in the creative arts space We wanted to see more queer artists from low-income neighborhoods succeed as performing artists by creating a platform where they could tell the stories that resonate with their lived reality.

Dandora is the home of a vibrant artistic community. However, many emerging artists do not get a chance to pursue their creative ambitions due to a disempowering environment produced by crime, drug abuse, gender-based violence, and poor access to health facilities. An LBQ or GNC-identifying artist faces the additional obstacle of stigmatization because of their orientation. They may miss out on crucial opportunities to practice their craft and earn a living from it. Many queer people are also dehumanized by their local communities and are disproportionate targets of various forms of violence.

Our Activities

Our mission is to educate our community and promote the potential of our members using theatre plays, performance art, music, and spoken word poetry, as well as crafts and fine art. Our theatrical productions have been avenues for collaboration between emerging artists and industry experts, a source of income for the cast and crew, and a platform where our targeted audience can engage with our artistry. Our forums are spaces for connection and dialogue between our membership and the larger community; to identify relevant issues as source material for our shows, demystify harmful stereotypes, and foster healing among us.

Our Productions

The stories we tell are important because they give us a medium to convey our deepest longings, and build a bridge of understanding between queer people and society. We use our imagination to manifest the futures we want by sensitizing our communities on the role of every individual in building an environment that is safe for every person regardless of their orientation or identity.

These are the stories we have told:

Empowering LBQ persons against IPC through Community and Stakeholder engagements

This year, under the project Shame Silence and Seclusion in partnership with the Heinrich Boell Foundation, we sought to…

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Empowering LBQ persons against IPC through Community and Stakeholder engagements

Empowering Our Community, Through Prioritizing Sexual Reproductive Health

Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) is a cornerstone in ensuring the well-being and empowerment of individuals. Through previous engagements, we’ve…

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Empowering Our Community, Through Prioritizing Sexual Reproductive Health

Midnight Musings

A performance about the mental well-being of queer persons.

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Midnight Musings

Sisterhood Rising

A moving play drawn from real accounts about Intimate Partner Violence in queer relationships. It chronicles Tumaini’s inspiring journey…

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Sisterhood Rising


A performance about the fetishization of queer person’s bodies by cis-gendered heterosexual men.

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Between Self and I

A story that seeks to demystify the myths and misconceptions around bisexuality and discrimination within the queer community.

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Between Self and I

Comrade Masaa

The story follows a naïve student leader and her quest to contest for the university chairperson position. Her campaign…

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Comrade Masaa

Our Partners

Empowering LBQ persons against IPC through Community and Stakeholder engagements

This year, under the project Shame Silence and Seclusion in partnership with the Heinrich Boell Foundation, we sought to address the issue of IPV…

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Empowering Our Community, Through Prioritizing Sexual Reproductive Health

Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) is a cornerstone in ensuring the well-being and empowerment of individuals. Through previous engagements, we’ve recognized a critical gap in…

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Midnight Musings

A performance about the mental well-being of queer persons.

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Sisterhood Rising

A moving play drawn from real accounts about Intimate Partner Violence in queer relationships. It chronicles Tumaini’s inspiring journey of survival from domestic abusive,…

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A performance about the fetishization of queer person’s bodies by cis-gendered heterosexual men.

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Between Self and I

A story that seeks to demystify the myths and misconceptions around bisexuality and discrimination within the queer community.

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Comrade Masaa

The story follows a naïve student leader and her quest to contest for the university chairperson position. Her campaign process is marred by setbacks…

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