Empowering LBQ persons against IPC through Community and Stakeholder engagements

This year, under the project Shame Silence and Seclusion in partnership with the Heinrich Boell Foundation, we sought to address the issue of IPV (inter-partner violence) in LBQ (lesbian, bisexual, queer) relationships. Through a theatre performance Sisterhood Rising, community engagements and follow-up discussions, we have made some strides in sensitizing the larger community and creating pathways for reporting and supporting victims.


Our efforts began with a powerful panel discussion held immediately after the play “Sisterhood Rising.” This event brought together LBQ persons, allies, and advocates to openly discuss the harsh realities of abusive relationships. It allowed us to shed light on the unique challenges that LBQ individuals face when dealing with IPV. having a diverse audience served to sensitize them to the realities of the issue. The collaborative efforts of the performance and the discussion served to break down the walls of shame and silence victims are often faced with. 

Lasting change requires the involvement of key stakeholders who could provide the necessary support systems. We targeted influential stakeholders in the community such as health workers, religious leaders, community leaders and police officers. We managed two that is; health workers and a community leader. Therefore, we organized a second discussion in Dandora, with the objective of creating a united front against IPV and ensuring that LBQ individuals could report abuse without fear of retribution.

The outcome of these discussions was inspiring having successfully built a relationship with the two groups. They are now allied in providing much-needed support and care to the victims. We however acknowledge that there is a lot more to do to bring in law enforcement and religious leaders. These two groups are crucial in changing mindsets and protecting victims from perpetrators, and working towards a common goal of creating a safe environment for all members of the community to thrive.

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